The owner of the website is HOZNAYO TURISTICO S.L. with NIF B39450176 and address at CALLE LAS BARRERAS 2 39716 HOZNAYO CANTABRIA . The company is registered in the Mercantile Register with the following registration details:

Mercantile Register, Volume 673, General. Sheet 168. Page S-9.772. 1st inscription.

With the aim of ensuring that the use of the website complies with criteria of transparency, clarity and simplicity, HOZNAYO TURISTICO S.L. informs the user that any suggestion, doubt or query regarding this Legal Notice or any other informative document on the website will be received and resolved by contacting HOZNAYO TURISTICO S.L. via e-mail at:


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HOZNAYO TURISTICO S.L. does not assume any responsibility for the links to other websites or web pages that, where appropriate, may be included in the same, as it has no control over them, so the user accesses under his own responsibility to the content and conditions of use that govern them.

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If you are looking for the best price to enjoy our hotels in Hoznayo... Look no further! On our website you will find the best offers.

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Only customers who book through the official website of Grupo Los Pasiegos can cancel their reservation free of charge up to 24 hours in advance.

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